Sabtu, 24 April 2010

SNSD - Oh!

Album : Oh!
Label : SM Entertainment
Release: 2010

Postingan kali ini kita ngebahas tentang album terbarunya SNSD (So Nyuh Si Dae), “Oh!”. Gue emg lg suka bgt ama 9 cewek2 ini. Secara wajah mereka secantik bidadari, lagu2nya asik2, suaranya surgawi pula. *lebaayy*. Girlband yg beranggotakan Taeyon, Yuri, Sunny, Soyoong, Tiffany, HyeYeon, Jessica, Yoona, dan Seohyeon ini dibentuk sama SM Entertainment dari Korea Selatan. O iya, sebenernya SM Entertainment ga cuma ngebentuk bidadari2 ini, tapi ada juga 5 berondong kyk Shinee dan SuJu yg anggotanya 13 orang (meskipun jumlahnya hampir sama ma anggota seRT, mereka keren2 kok).
Balik k SNSD, mereka udh memproduksi 3 album, di antaranya : Girls’ Generation, Baby Baby (repackaged dari Girls’ Generation), n yg terakhir ‘Oh’ (28 Januari 2010). Ada 2 mini album juga, Gee dan Tell Me Your Wish (Genie). Album ‘Oh’ dikemas dgn style yg cute, ala anak SMA gitu deh. Emg cocok sii ama umur n tampang mereka. Kebanyakan girlband skrg kan pada jual imej seksi2 menggoda gimana gitu, sedangkan SNSD hadir dgn style yg girly, imut, ABG, fun, colourful, dan dreamy2 gitu.Free Icons Itu yang bikin mereka sukses d pasar musik Korea dan mancanegara. Ada 12 track dalam album ini yaitu Oh!, Show! Show! Show!, Sweet Talking Baby, Forever, Be Happy, Boys and Girls (ft, Key Shinee), Talk To Me, Star Star Star, Stick Wit U, Day By Day. 2 track lain, Gee dan Genie diambil dari album pertama mereka.
Lagu Oh! bercerita tentang cewek yang lagi naksir cowok, tp malu2 gitu. Hello_Kitty EmoticonsKurang lebih kayak lagu Gee. Tapi Oh! lebih ngebeat and lebih ceria. Oh! dan Gee sama2 singel digital yang asik bgt didengerin buat penambah semangat *napa jd kyk iklan multivitamin penambah energi ya?*. Emg sii lagu ini rame banget, tapi entah kenapa asik bgt buat didengerin, jd berasa balik k masa2 SMA. Kalo mau lebih slow, ada lagu ‘Star star star’ dan Caramel Coffee. Kalo biasanya SNSD nyanyi tentang cwo kesukaannya sambil nari2 gembira, di lagu Star Star Star ini agak beda. Lagu ini berkisah tentang cewek yang cinta bgt sama cowoknya dan berharap cowoknya kembali. Caramel Coffee dikemas dengan genre jazz. Enak didengerin sore2 sambil minum Crush Coffee (Kopi Tubruk). Wkwkwkwk. O iya, di album ini juga SNSD tidak meninggalkan ciri khas mereka yang lain yaitu, pengulangan kata di tiap lagu2nya. Misalnya,
‘Neomu banjjak banjjak nuni busyeo No No No No No.
Neomu kamjjak kamjjak nollan naneun Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh.
Neomu jjarit jjarit jjarit momi teolyo Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee.
Jeujun nunbit Oh yeah, joheun hyanghi oh yeah yeah yeah’Free Smileys
(SNSD – Gee)

‘Oh oh oh oppareul saranghae.
Ah ah ah ah manhi manhi hae’Free Smileys
(SNSD – Oh)

Pengulangan itu yang bikin lagu2 mereka tambah catchy dan easy listening. Sebelumnya SNSD pernah ngeluarin single berjudul ‘Chocolate Love’ dan ‘Run Devil Run’, di situ mereka menonjolkan imej seksi. Tapi lagu itu ga sesukses Gee dan Oh!. Terbukti masyarakat lebih suka SNSD dengan ciri khasnya yaitu cute. Gue berharap SNSD ga akan mengganti imej itu kalo mau tetap bertahan. Satu lagi harapan gue, gue bisa jadi anggota ke 10 nya SNSD. *ngarep* wahahahaha..
Free Avatars

link videonya, silakan dilihat

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Book of Eli

Book of Eli- Must Seen Movie~
I watched this movie last week actually. So, in the midnite of gloomy satnite for me, suddenly my boarding house’s friends asked me to watch midnite movie. When I searched movie information in internet, I found this movie!!! Actually, I already watched the trailer and I thought this is great, so I persuaded them to watched this movie xDD
I’m not gonna tell the synopsis *you have to watch it xP*. I’m gonna tell you that *Prepare your mind, heart and soul to watch this movie* later on u’ll now why xDD
bweh,english mulu.. Pegel xDD Klo mw cari sinopsisna, bisa googling ato cari di Ntar dikasih linkna,d xDD Tapi, jgn percaya sinopsis ato review d media2… Bner2 BEDA BGT.. Mnurut sinopsis, nie film agak berat. Tpi mnurut v3 gak juga,kok. Byk adegan action bisa buat tenggang disaat kepala qta mencerna dialog2 yg agak berat *bowk, v3 ntn midnite,lhoo.. Mls bgt ntn film berat pas midnite*
Oke, it felt boring on da middle.. lambret amat alurnya.. *aplg v3 ntn yg midnite.. Ud gelap,dingin,tnggal ngorok aj* Tpi dari tengah ampe akhir„, BELALAK!!!
Secara garis besar, film ini menggambarkan era jahiliyah, era dimana ketidaktahuan akan keberadaan kekuasaan diatas kita. *heeh? g tw Tuhan hari gini?* Yes, It’s really POSSIBLE.. Consider dgn masa2 saat ini, dimana banyak sekali tanda2 akhir jaman saat ini. Bkn belagak alim, tapi emang bner,kan? *No wonder film 2012 laku keras xD* background nie film mank futuristik, masa 30 thn setelah “perang besar sampai menjebol langit” *v3 n tmn2 kost mikir t Armageddon or Judgement day kykna* bagaimana orang2 yg survive dari perang itu bertahan hidup dengan keadaan bumi yg sudah berubah samasekali
Eli sapa? Ya c bang Denzel Washingtonlah sang Eli *ternyata nie nama ada maksudnya,tpi v3 g trlalu ngerti. Berhubungan ama pembawa firman di era kegelapan katanya. Ada tmn2 katolik ato protestan yg bisa jelasin?* Lawannya adalah mas Gary Oldman, Carnegie namana.
Yang pasti, film ini SANGAT RELEVAN buat masa saat ini. Ga perlu nampilin adegan ngeri n nakutin buat kita KEMBALI beriman *kyk 2012 ato ditakutin pake Teori Surga-Neraka* Gak tau sih kenapa byk film2 sekarang yg mendekatkan diri pada Ilahi *org2 Hollywood pada takut mati juga kali xD* Tapi positive side yg bisa didapat, film2 ini menjadi reminder kita utk kriman dan mensyukuri nikmat Tuhan, mengingat kita juga hampir menuju era jahiliyah lagi *lil odd.. dsaat kita merasa mengetahui semua dgn kemajuan teknologi,in fact kita malah gak tahu apa2*
kita bakal direminder utk bersyukur, selalu memiliki harapan datangnya cahaya di saat tergelap sekalipun *ingat, bintang akan semakin bersinar saat langit mendung dan benar2 gelap*, dan selalu PERCAYA padaNya krn Tuhan sangat dekat, lebih dekat dari urat nadi di leher manusia *ada ayat Al-Quranna t,tpi v3 lupa* Wlopun diceritakan dari sisi agama katolik *agama mayoritas USA* tapi film ini wajib tonton untuk SEMUA AGAMA… krn nilai yg diambil bukan agamanya, tapi life values yg udah kita lupakan di era modern ini: kepercayaan
So,tagline nie film mank bner bgt:BELIEVE

High School Musical

“High school musical”, probably most of the youngsters had never heard of and watch this movie. This movie consists of 3 parts namely high school musical movie part 1 (“best movie musical ever ”), high school musical part 2 (dance edition) and the high school musical part 3 (senior year). film that contains so much about talent, songs and music is produced by the Disney movie, starring Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel, and Matthew miles charter.

This film tells of romance and high school friendships begin early in school until high school graduation in accordance with the sequence of the film. where, feelings of love and friendship is very much expressed through music, songs and dances. This film also tells about how the students to try things like the fact it is a talent and they are trying to become the best. talents such as: drama, music, dance, sports and science. talent is formed in a club in their school to be the same as the one on our campus ‘London School’, there are extracurricular activities for talent.

This movie is interesting, but seem boring over time because too many songs and dance than the film’s story. Almost every emotion or feeling is expressed through song and dance, as well as bollywood movies hahaha ..^_^ is consistent with the title or name of the movie that have the word “musical” but I think most of the display song and dance make the audience can get bored watching it. movie plot and also like a sinetron Indonesia probably most people watch it because seeing the movie star handsome and beautiful. I confess, when I watched this film because I liked the main cast of “Zac Efron”, so I want to watch this movie from part 1 to part 3.

not only me who thinks that this movie was rather boring, but my friends who watch this movie first, also believes the same as mine. although, I know if my friend is like a song and dance. But if you watch this movie from part 1 to 3 you will find what the purpose of this film, especially for young people. So, How do you think? …………….^o^……………..

Bonita "Laju"

Penyanyi wanita yg sudah malang melintang di jagat musik Indonesia kembali hadir menyapa kerinduan para penggermarnya setelah fakum selama kurang lebih 5 tahun akhirnya mengeluarkan album terbarunya.Penyanyi wanita yg satu ini hadir dengan nuansa yg lebih menarik,alunan musik yg lebih berbeda dengan kehadiran percussions yg semakin menambah nuansa perbedaan dengan album2 bonita terdahulu.Di album ini bonita menghadirkan 16 lagu yg di ciptakan sendiri olehnya,yg lebih spesial nya lagi ke 16 lagu ini semuanya bercerita tentang kehidupan bonita selama dia jeda dari industri musik.So buat kalian penggemar bonita,kerinduan untuk mendengarkan hasil karya dari salah seorang penyanyi wanita terbaik indonesia sekarang terobati.Albumnya sudah beredar luas.Secara spesifikasi album ini termasuk dalam kategori easy listening,vokal bonita yg kuat dan khas membuat cukup merinding mendengarnya,harmonisasi nada dan irama percussions cukup membuat teling berbeda dengan lagu2 yg sedang di gandrungi masyrakat sekarang2 ini…so ciayyooo BONITA.

Big Bang - Lies

Big Bang (빅뱅) is my favourite boy band xDD Actually, I’m not interested in KPop in the beginning.. I prefered JPop and JRock such as L’Arc~en~Ciel… Maybe becoz my hobby to play Dance Simulation (Pump It Up) lately, now I’m prefer to listen KRnB (sometimes still listen to Laruku.. Laruku never die!!!)

I heard Big Bang’s name for a long time, about 2 or 3 years ago, but didn’t notice how COOL they are!!! Actually, I forgot my Big bang’s first song and how I found it and begin to like it. But know, I’ll talk about their single that blow them up in on 2007.

Big Bang is South Korean Hip-Hop Boy band. Their founded after audition in 2006. Before the group’s debut, several members already had exposure in the entertainment industry. Leader G-Dragon a.k.a Kwon Ji Yong and lead vocalist Tae Yang a.k.a Dong Young Bae, signed with YG Entertainment since they were both twelve years old. The Oldest member, T.O.P a.k.a Choi Seung Hyun, was an underground rapper. Other member, D-Lite a.k.a Dae Sung a.k.a Kang Dae Sung, actually I don’t where he is come from xD but, he has soft and spesific sound xD Finally!!! My FAV!!! Victory a.k.a VI a.k.a Seung Ri a.k.a Lee Seung Hyun *Kyyaaaaaa..kyaaaa.. saranghae,oppa~* is a great dancer. He followed many dance competition and finally followed ” Let’s Cokeplay Battle” battle dance show from Shinhwa. Actually, he almost rejected with the YG management coz his lack of singing talent :’(( but, his over self confident and great dance talent took him to the group. With heavy and long fight, now he could sing very well with lovely “noise sound” xD

“Lies” wasn’t their first single. But, this song took them to the top of popularity. Released in 2007 and includi in thier first mini album “Always”, this song got many, many achievement: no. 1 chart at SBS Hit Songs, MBC’s music Core, etc

Trully, I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! I saw their Move Clips when I searched them in You Tube. What a lovely MW it is!!! Felt confusing in the beginning, but in the middle it felt make sense and in the end it felt so saaad :(Their acted so good. My fav part was “behind the scene” part in the end of the MV. How they felt down from roller skates, their expressions before rollin’ at da camera, etc

This is the text of the song.. Very touching :’( I already serch who is the author of the song, but I can’t found it.. Just Gomawo for the person who create this song.. Incredible!!


(Yeah) love is pain
Dedicated to all my broken-hearted people
One’s old a flame… just scream my name
And I’m so sick of love songs (yeah)
I hate them damn love songs… moment of ours

Neuj-eun bam bi-ga nae-ryeo-wa neor de-ryeo-wa
Jeoj-eun gi-eog kkeut-e dwi-cheog-yeo na
Neo eobs-i jar sar su iss-da-go
Da-jim hae-bwa-do eo-jjeor su eobs-da-go
Mos-ha-neun sur-do ma-si-go
Sog-ta-neun mam bam-sae chae-wo-bwa-dosirh-eo neo eobs-neun ha-ru-neun gir-eo bir-eo
Je-bar ij-ge hae-dar-ra-go (-geo-jis-mar-i-ya)

Neo eobs-neun nae-gen us-eum-i bo-i-ji anh-a
Nun-mur-jo-cha go-i-ji anh-a
Deo-neun sar-go sip-ji anh-a

Ni saeng-gag-e
Dor-a-beo-rir-geos gat-ae

Bo-go sip-eun-de
Bor su-ga eobs-de
Mo-du kkeut-nass-de
I’ll be right here

I’m so sorry but I love you da geo-jis-mar
I-ya mor-rass-eo i-je-ya ar-ass-eo ne-ga pir-yo-hae
I’m so sorry but I love you nar-ka-ro-un mar
Hwas-gim-e na-do mo-reu-ge neor tteo-na-bo-naess-ji-man
I’m so sorry but I love you da geo-jis-mar
I’m so sorry but I love you
I’m so sorry but I love you
(I love you more and more)
I’m so sorry but I love you na-reur tteo-na
Cheon-cheon-hi ij-eo-jur-rae
Nae-ga a-pa-har su iss-ge

Geu-daer wi-hae-seo bur-reo-wass-deon nae mo-deun geor da ba-chin no-rae
(A-ma sa-ram-deur-eun mo-reu-gess-jyo)
Nan hon-ja„ geu a-mu-do a-mu-do mor-rae
(Geu-rae nae-ga haess-deon mar-eun geo-jis-mar)

Hor-ro nam-gyeo-jin oe-tor-i
Geu sog-e he-me-neun nae kkor-i
Ju-meo-ni sog-e kko-gis-kko-gis
Jeob-eo-dun i-byeor-eur hyang-han jjog-ji (hey)
(Neon eo-dis-na-yo neor bu-reu-neun seub-gwan-do)
Nan dar-ra-jir-rae
I-jen da us-eo-neom-gir-ge

I’m so sorry but I love you da geo-jis-mar
I-ya mor-rass-eo i-je-ya ar-ass-eo ne-ga pir-yo-hae
I’m so sorry but I love you nar-ka-ro-un mar
Hwas-gim-e na-do mo-reu-ge neor tteo-na-bo-naess-ji-man
I’m so sorry but I love you da geo-jis-mar
I’m so sorry but I love you
(I love you more and more)
I’m so sorry but I love you na-reur tteo-na
Cheon-cheon-hi ij-eo-jur-rae
Nae-ga a-pa-har su iss-ge

Oh oh oh oh oh
Mo-deun-ge kkum-i-gir
Oh oh oh
I-geos-bakk-e an-doe-neun na-ra-seo

Drop that thing…

A-jig-do neo-reur mos ij-eo
A-ni pyeong-saeng-eur ga-do (yeah)

Nae-ga jun sang-cheo a-mur-eoss-neun-ji
Mi-an-hae a-mu-geos-do
Hae-jun-ge eobs-neun na-ra-seo

I’m so sorry but I love you da geo-jis-mar
I-ya mor-rass-eo i-je-ya ar-ass-eo ne-ga pir-yo-hae
I’m so sorry but I love you nar-ka-ro-un mar
Hwas-gim-e na-do mo-reu-ge neor tteo-na-bo-naess-ji-man
I’m so sorry but I love you da geo-jis-mar (but I love you)
I’m so sorry (so sorry) but I love you
(I love you more and more)
I’m so sorry but I love you na-reur tteo-na
Cheon-cheon-hi ij-eo-jur-rae
Nae-ga a-pa-har su iss-ge

Bye bye…


Yeah (love is pain)dedicated to all my broken hearted people. One’s old flame, just scream my name and I’m so sick of love songs. Yeah hate damn love songs. Memento of ours… Lies!

A late night and rain falling down. I bring you back from my memories. I promised myself I would be fine without you, but I can’t help it. I take in liquor which I don’t even know how to handle trying to fill my empty heart. A day without you is too long. I pray that I may please forget you (that’s a lie).

Without you happiness cannot be found in me. I can’t even shed any tears. I don’t want to live anymore.

Yeah, this is bullshit, it’s pissing me off. I’m going crazy in thoughts of you. I want to see you, but I’m being told that I can’t, that it’s all over (I’ll be right there).

I’m so sorry, but I love you, it’s all a lie. I didn’t know, but I know now that I need you. I’m so sorry, but I love you, out of anger. I pushed you away with those piercing words without realizing. I’m so sorry, but I love you, it’s all a lie. I’m so sorry (I’m so sorry), but I love you (I love you more more). I’m so sorry, but I love you, will you leave and forget me slowly, so I can be in pain?

I dedicated my all into this song for you (other people probably don’t know). By myself, without anyone knowing. (yeah, those words I said were lies). A loner left in the midst of it all. In my pocket is the breakup letter that’s all wrinkled and folded up in my pocket, hey, (and my habit of calling for you and wondering where you are). I’m gonna change, I’ll laugh everything off from now on.

I’m so sorry, but I love you, it’s all a lie. I didn’t know, but I know now that I need you. I’m so sorry, but I love you, out of anger. I pushed you away with those piercing words without realizing. I’m so sorry, but I love you, it’s all a lie. I’m so sorry (I’m so sorry), but I love you (I love you more more). I’m so sorry, but I love you, will you leave and forget me slowly, so I can be in pain?

Oh oh oh oh oh, I hope this is all a dream. Oh oh oh oh oh, because I only add up to this much. Drop that babe, I still can’t forget you. No I don’t think I ever will, even ’til the day I die, yeah. Did the scars I gave you heal? I’m sorry because I never got to do anything for you.

I’m so sorry, but I love you, it’s all a lie. I didn’t know, but I know now that I need you. I’m so sorry, but I love you, out of anger. I pushed you away with those piercing words without realizing. I’m so sorry, but I love you, it’s all a lie. I’m so sorry (I’m so sorry), but I love you (I love you more more). I’m so sorry, but I love you, will you leave and forget me slowly, so I can be in pain?

Even it passed 3 years, lot of Big Bang’s Fans a.k.a VIP still choose this song as their top fav song..

Saranghae, BB~

Do u noe what is cosplay

Hai bloggers … haha sorry but I’ve no more idea what should I call all readers and my self here… but u can call me “sexy”.. kidding, hai saya Henry 13-16A LSPR student kali ini aq atau saya mau bahas tentang cosplay… temen2 pasti udah gag asing yg namanya cosplay… kalo masih bingung yuk coba kopi pastel ( setau aq sih copy paste, tapi kopi pastel pasti gag enak dehhh aneh gitu rasanya )dengan text ini “” terus pilih image/ gambar teruss masukan kata kuncinya COSPLAY… nahh kluar deh foto-foto cosplayer (manusia yang pake costume animasi jepang).
Temen-temen bias cari tahu cosplay dari berbagai media loh sekarang ini di facebook ada, di google ada, di event-event toys fair (bahasa gaulnya nih jualan mainan) juga ada …
Cosplay bisa di jadikan sebagai hobby untung mengembangkat bakat kalian yg terpendam sebagai banci tampil loh soalnya selain memerankan character yang kalian suka kalian juga bisa berkreasi sendiri dengan yang namanya cosplay “Harujuku”… Dengan berharujuku kalian juga bisa ngembaing bakat berkreasi untuk menciptakan karya-karya baju unik yang full-color (jangan salah baca) dan berpola baju yang unik...

Ini adalah foto dari harujuku (lolita, banyak harujuku yang lainnya juga)^^ …

Gag stop sampe situ aja cosplayer juga banyak macem-macemnya ada yang namanya crossgender atau di biasa di sebut tukar peran , maksudnya cowo berperan sebagai cewe atau sebaliknya cewe berperan menjadi cowo… ini lah fotonya ^^ see it ^^

ini cowo jd cewe

ini cewe jd cowo

So see how wonderfull if u become a cosplayer ^^ see the picture

Kahitna - Lebih dari Sekedar Cantik

Band : Kahitna
Album : Lebih dari Sekedar Cantik
Label : Musica Studio’s
Release : 2009

Kahitna is a band from Bandung, Indonesia formed from 1986. It became a successful band and has produced 7 albums, include “Cerita Cinta (1994)”, “Cantik (1996)”., and Soulmate (2006). The personnels are Hedi Yunus (vocal), Carlo Saba (vocal), Mario Ginanjar (vocal), Yovie Widyanto (keyboard), Doddy Is (bass), Harry (percussion), Budiana (drum), Andrie (guitar), Bambang (keyboard).

Lebih dari Sekedar Cantik (more than just beautiful) is the newest album of Kahitna. The theme of this album is romance. The first single titled ‘Untukku’ which is created by Chrisye (alm) rearranged and sung by Kahitna’s Unique Style. There are 11 tracks in this album, include “Lebih dari Sekedar Cantik”, “Insomnia”, and “Everybody needs Somebody” which packed in original and elegant. Without leaving the characteristics (choir), Kahitna shows fresh nuances in this album.
Along with album launching, Kahitna also launched it’s newest logo which called ‘Simply Elegant’

link videonya, silakan dilihat


Dear evrybody!!!

This blog will content media review…
Like movies,films,web,books,TV shows,etc..
Actually,this is our college assignment and it should have many visitors :’((
Anyway, we can practice to produce good writing using this blog…
Mayb one of us have talent to be a great writer using this blog xD

First of all,we would like to introduce ourself…
We are 6 people from LONDON OF PUBLIC RELATION, JAKARTA, INDONESIA (actually, we should make group of 8. But we not find other 2 yet.. Anybody would join?)
We are:

Habsyah Fitri


Ida Ronapita



